Invitasjonen fra
Ray O’Dwyer
President of the IIRS and the IRSC:
Chairs of the Danish, Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian Irish Setter Clubs
As you aware the International Irish Red Setter Club (IIRSC) has been organising a series of European Championships for our breed under FCI Rules:
- The long Standing and highly successful Spring Championship on wild partridges in France
- The Practical Hunting Championships on pheasants in Italy in September
- The Snipe Championships in Autumn in Ireland
These events are proving to be an excellent opportunity for Breed Enthusiasts to meet, compete and see the best Irish setters around Europe. We have had some competitors from the Nordic Countries to these trials but they have been few. However we have had many visitors from all over the Globe attending them.
It is now the intention of the IIRSC to have a European Championship on Grouse in Southern Scotland and we have access to the Duke of Buccleuch’s wonderful grouse moors next July to host the event. The Irish Red Setter Club will be the organising body for the event. You can visit to review the programme. This event will also be run under FCI Rules.
I am writing to you to request your support and hope that you will encourage Irish setter enthusiasts from your clubs to come and attend. If there is interest in attending I request that you have a discussion among yourselves and that you nominate a judge familiar with FCI rules to be part of the Judging Jury for the Championship.
Yours sincerely
Ray O’Dwyer
President of the IIRS and the IRSC